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Created 24-Jun-10
Modified 30-Dec-24
Visitors 273
57 photos
Pics: Adrian Boehm
Annadale coach Andy SmythMonkstown huddleMonkstown's Andy Ewington in possessioMonkstown's Eoin O'ConnorMonkstown's Andy EwingtonMonkstown's Stephen Cole attempts to tackleAnnadale's Peter Caruth and Monkstown's Eoin O'ConnorAnnadale's David RobbMonkstown's David Fitzgerald and Nick Dee attempt to keep out a cornerMonkstown's Ian AllenMonkstown's Brian GrovesAnnadale's Rory Capper shoots with Monkstown's Andy Ewington and David Fitzgerald defendingAnnadale's Rory Capper shoots with Monkstown's Andy Ewington and David Fitzgerald defendingAnnadale's Rory Capper shoots with Monkstown's Andy Ewington and David Fitzgerald defendingMonkstown's Billy McEnery