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Created 30-Apr-11
Modified 18-Oct-24
Visitors 514
29 photos
Pictures Adrian Boehm
Jenny BurkeSinead McCarthyAnna O'Flanagan and Holly JenkinsonAnna O'Flanagan and Holly JenkinsonLisa JacobEimear Dolan and Aine ConneryAine Connery and Orla FoxAine Connery and Orla FoxAine Connery and Orla FoxGail Taylor and Carol Metchette consultMick McKinnonRailway supportersAoife McCarthy and Emma SmythJean McDonnell tries to get past Aoife and Sinead McCarthyJean McDonnell tries to get past Aoife and Sinead McCarthyJean McDonnell takes a tumble under pressure from Aoife McCarthyJean McDonnell takes a tumble under pressure from Aoife McCarthyIsobel JoyceIsobel JoyceAudrey O'Flynn chased by Emma Smyth